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How did America React?

     During the Vietnam War Americans wanted a leader that they could trust to help them get through the war. They wanted stability and safety for themselves which they thought that had voted for in the 1972 election. Nixon won the election by a landslide meaning that Americans really thought that they could trust him to help the country get through the war. When Americans found out that Nixon had lied about stealing information from the DNC they felt betrayed and in sure of many decisions that they had made. Americans started to distrust any politicians claiming that they were crooks and where out for your money. As a result of this distrust towards politicians Congress enacted a plan to help "clean up political  practices." Senate also came up with an election reform plan that put strict limits on the amount you can spend on your presidential primary campaign. There were also laws on how much money individuals can give to any one candidate. Since politicians had lost the populations trust, they began to release their tax returns, sources of income, and personal assets to help gain trust. These laws are still a part of todays elections. After Nixon's resignation, 20 states enacted clean-election laws and after the 2016 election, 14 more states had also promoted the clean-election laws.

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